Its been a good week despite still feeling really sad about losing my bag and camera...the police have been excellent but its long gone and i have giving up hope of getting my things moves on!! I had a lovely coffee with yours truly.............
and had a bit of a chuckle at his latest mag!!! its very good and full of brilliant articles even i love it!
The weathers been up and down! one minute blazing sunshine and the next rain and freezing cold! Dug out my wellies for the third year...thank you mam!!!They've been well worn!!
It was Joan's birthday Wednesday ...........
We had tea and cake ........
with Karen
Then went on an adventure!!!
My beautiful girl turned 17 !!!Happy happy Birthday sweetie............
I'm so proud of her xxxx
We went for a family meal......typical teen! tablet came too!
The canvas i made for Joan's birthday......We had an amazing BBQ at tom and sues but alas n camera!!so no pics! looking forward to July when i can replace it!
more rain!!!!
This was the clouds as i went to work this morning !! it turned out red hot and sunny by lunchtime!
Ive started to put on the backgrounds of my next canvas, s I used Toms masks ...and his new gesso!
My little grand daughter paid a visit with her mum......Granny Joan brought her some mallow ice creams..........look at her face !
not very good quality but i love this picture!
Then home.....My little Penny was waiting for me!!!
after a cold drive....x