Thursday, 25 February 2021
Monday, 22 February 2021
Thomas's room 1980s
I used an Olympus om 10 if my memory is correct we had painted Thomas ,s bedroom in shades of yellow friend varnar helped us. This was to become my dark room within the year poor Thomas was sent to the attic
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Christmas 1980
Yet again awful negs I wished id looked after them better Christmas eve and Thomas goes up to bed to hang up his stocking .He is 3 year old and we are sleeping at his nanas and grandads as we did every year..
his toys were ready for him the next morning. All laid out on the sofa. We bought him a bike as well. I loved spending Christmas at my mam and dads. The memories came flooding back, dad always cooked a breakfast that we never ate as we all stuffed our selves silly with chocolate. I can still remember the excitement of exchanging gifts. Mam cooked the Christmas dinner . No matter how old you get there's nothing like your mothers cooking. I always got bath cubes which I loved the equivalent of bath bombs now I suppose .Every thing was orange and brown in the late seventies early eighties and seeing my mothers furniture brought memories flooding back!
I can see my dad in the background and I cant believe I've cut off his head....Thomas surrounded in toys and his dad sorting things out. Probably putting stuff together .I remember the drum my mam bought him... and the noise!!!
yet again old neglected negatives but still happy happy memories x
RIP beautiful pets
Thursday, 18 February 2021
its sad when things change...especially when you have no control over them. These photos feel like they were taken a lifetime ago. Things are so different now...but you have to make the best of them and get on with life.
Babs 1980s
Really damaged negatives but i had to try and salvage best friend posing in my front room in Station road all those years ado my photography buddy. Lovely memories
Lots of walks lots of late nights! and funny faces!! More walks........... sneaky chocolate!!! a smiling hub...
Today was a lovely day as my very special friend Jenny Lee came to our church for the first time! My other best friend Judith bo...
One of my fondest memories my little girl dancing for her friend john A summers day and loads of smiles.... It wa...