This was yesterday! the whole street was bathed in a blue
grey glow...i saw my friend Judith out and she scurried home before the rain didn't!!
i love this picture of Sean fixing his play station......really odd as the picture is so focused yet the TV blurred...I love experimenting and miss my darkroom!!many moons ago ,i spent hours in it...My eldest son loved to help me and was potty about photography!! He was very talented and was lucky enough to study under the wonderful photographer Irene Reddish and was the youngest person to be awarded a Northern Arts grant at the age of eight...his exhibition travelled around the UK He still is a very talented photographer and artist .......
The weather was so bad.......
Anyone want to come to a party!!!!
Amazing book that I'm still reading....a Christmas gift from my lovely husband.........
Thank you son for your help...don't know what id do without you xxxx
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