Monday, 6 July 2015

My 1934 german albums.....

Today i spent the afternoon looking through the four German photograph albums i bought nearly six month ago....I  felt  almost as if i shouldn't be delving into someones very private  record of life , holidays  intimate moments captured on film.

 A record  of what looks like a  middle class family's wonderful holidays in the sun, at the beach skiing every thing  a modern day family would do and share with their loved ones....a split second captured forever.....

Two little girls emerge  from the pages....well dressed with parents, grandparents cousins....The photographs lovingly placed  so beautifully in  well kept albums.....
 Happy faces beam out at me, who were they i wonder?

A  gentlman eating egg for breakfast...buttering his toast its not until i look through  my magnifying glass i see a typewriter with a half typed letter spilling from it....

 Mother posing with her daughter and a friend....

 The same man in a rather friendly pose with a pretty lady who is also through out the albums....
The girls splashing in the sea not a care in the world!! The fact that when these photographs were taking one of the most evil of men the world had ever known  was  making a mark on their country...within a few years this family would have been plunged into would change so drastically for them all...were they Jewish???how did these albums come to be on a flea market stall in the north east of England????So many questions so many thoughts......i drempt about them last night!!!i almost feel as if i know them!!i am going to ask a friend who is visiting my   home this week if he can give me some information about these people...hes a young German man!!Hopefully i may have  names or at least some info about love to  be able to return them to their family some day ...

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover