Now i must admit Ive never been one for giant rides or even tiny rides after my cousin Janet dragged me onto the waltzer when i was about 13!! I was terrified!!!I still remember the knot in our stomachs as we trotted down the Burn bank to our local yearly fair or hopping's as we called it . clutching our two and sixpence!!The smell of hot dogs mixed with toffee apples and chips the music blaring the twinkling lights and the utter disappointment when you put your last tuppence in the roll your coin machine!!!.......... we had a whale of a time at Blackpool i even went on the Ghost train with sue!!Its took me five year to get round to editing these pictures but the memories came flooding back of a really special day...i spoke to sue about going back in the summer!and were going again ....this time with the babies .....x

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