Suziblu and Gigi |
Ive always loved art,Ive always painted but Ive never ever had any confidence....that is until i came across a site a few years ago...i came across it totally by accident!! I don't know what i was looking for or why but i home schooled Rosa for three years and spent most of my spare time downloading lesson plans etc i digress! Finding SUZI BLU was to change my life honestly.How can someone you've never met and never will meet have such an impact on your life, an ordinary woman in her later years from Tee side!! Well the answer is plain and simple..ENCOURAGEMENT!! I remember the shock and excitement of her you tube videos.....EVERYONE can do art, EVERYONE can paint ,ignore what you were told at school..your hopeless you cant do this or that...She gave me the confidence to pick up a brush aged 54 !! To start to paint to love myself and what i do. Ive followed SUZIBLU through all her ups and downs in life, i love her vids her work and all she stands for ...Thank you SUZIBLU
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