Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Blackberry picking or the lack of!!!

Another stunning day with the sun shining and making people feel good, a touch of summer at last! I always collect blackberry's every summer  down by the railway line at the bottom of our street.Pounds and pounds of them, enough to freeze and make jam.Lots of people in our little community collect them and have done for the 16 years Ive lived here.Of ton ill bump into neighbours out with a bowl to collect enough for a crumble or pie for after tea. I usually take Sean to pick the  big plump berrys at the top of the bushes as im  so small i can never reach!! I have been known to carry my steps around, but today i went by myself!

The SHOCK! where on earth have the blackberry  bushes went to!! Im not having much luck this summer!!The council must have decided to cut everything back!

There were  some but i couldnt reach them!!
There  were pleanty of these!!

The some total of my haul! Which i threw out as i think the council may have put weed killer down on the verges.......i ended up getting a pack of frozen mixed berrys from ASDA  just not the same! At least my little back yard is starting to  look pretty

Looking up at the amazing sky!

A rare picture of Penny sitting still in amongst my flowers which she loves to eat if she can! Poor girl has good days and bad days with her eyes  and im still applying  drops about ten times a day!
Can anyone tell me what this plant is?  I bought it in a tray of mixed plants and would love to know its name

The same with this one ,im sure this was a bulb i planted  but cant be sure...i love this its leaves are so  pretty

 Look at the mess of my  backyard  covered in plaster and resin!It just wont come off!!Thats builders for you!!

Rosa and Seans fish seem to double in size every time their put out for the summer!! Rosa has to go to college today and tomorrow to sit entrance exams in math and english good luck sweetheart ! im off to bake a  pie!!!!....Thank you to my two new followers  xxx

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover