Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Flea market!!

This is the view from the top of the car park in town...the river is so beautiful and what a lovely day.We nipped into town for some lentils!! and a look around the flea market!

The flea market is hidden away in the centre of town

Through a little door

Down a quaint little alley!!

Music sheets for my art projects!

i regret not buying this and so hope its there next week!!i always do this!!!

i love all the little nooks and cranny's...

The very popular Georgina theatre hid down an alley!
The weather was glorious

off we went to look for lentils!!! Were so lucky to live in such a multi cultural area, and we have a few really good Asian supermarkets  very near. This is our favourite one

I love the smells and colours!!

Its so much cheaper to buy  dried beans  spices etc here and you can bulk buy!

Were off to take the girls out  so watch this space!!!


  1. Havent been down the flea market for ages Fiffypunkle !! love these pics hugs xxxxxxx

  2. it was lovely sue you can oick some nice bits up xxxxxxxxx


Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover