Tuesday, 14 August 2012

pretty summer colours

Pretty summer colours all around!

We all had a walk into town, and me and Rosa ended up here!!

Sally's  means one thing for Rosa...hair colour! Though i didn't want her  bleaching her hair again we made a deal, She could  choose one more colour for summer then shes going back to her normal hair colour...with the promise of waist length extensions for Christmas...

Mint cut and ready to hang

 My lemon balm has went crazy!!!!

Rosa and Sean's fish 3 year old this Summer..They live out through the summer then come inside for the winter.I cant believe they've  lived this long! They've doubled in size too!

Well I'm off to paint...the  passage walls I'm afraid not my canvas!


  1. Gorgeous pics as usual Fiffypunkle hugssss hun miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover