Saturday, 21 July 2012

ants in ya pants

Sean has always loved creepy crawlies!!from being a little boy!Hes never grown out of the fascination of bugs!! This was bought for him many Christmas ago and left unopened until today.What fun housework forgotten,and hours spent in the back lane  i felt like a little girl son always has the gift of making things that seem silly  exciting!!thank you  Sean it was a hoot son xx

The ant farm!

The hunt!

The trap!

The critters!!

The flora

and fauna!!

beauty in a decaying and neglected back lane!

The hunt goes on!!

me with my camera

Sean with his ant farm

A bright hazy afternoon

In a messy builders strewn  mess!!

The flowers
In and out of the yard
Watching one of my favourite people

Having fun what more could i ask for!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover