Sunday, 22 July 2012

omg it seems like summer!!

 What a wonderful park!

What a lovely day its almost like we have our summer at last,
Beautiful animals

loads of ice cream...though I'm on a diet!!!
Penny's not!

an ice cream coloured deer!!

 hello Mr goat!

lots of interesting things to see

 Penny having a good time

 little doggy cooling off

On the bridge , it was beautiful!

beautiful weather for a change!!

Outside the Capt Cook museum

loved the anchor and ships wheel design!

A  Lovely day out!!


  1. Great pics Fiffypunkle hugssssssss xxx

  2. lovely pics Freda makes a change to see the sun at last xxxxxxxxx

  3. thanks ladies loads of hugs backxxx


Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover