Sunday, 1 July 2012

A walk in the park!

The last time i walked in the park it was devoid of colour or plants of any kind,today the sun shone down a band played and the flowers bloomed!!

We walked around to the music from a tribute band bonzo dogends!! I must admit i did have a titter at the name!

A tribute  to bonzo dog doda band!!! They were very good in fact and played for about  two hours!

The flowers were beautiful!!

Though i wasnt sure about  these!!

Omg! this one  put the fear of god in me!!

What  a difference in a month!

we headed towards the pond so Penny could cool off

Someone had attached a rose and a poem to one of the benches a tribute to  a man  who had died who must have sat on the very same bench.......

The sun shone down and cast shadows on the pathways  ...dancing in the breeze

Another floral concoction to celebrate the olympics!!!
The band played on  , Bonzo songs  which i love and all sorts of songs from the seventies! heaven!

Penny enjoying her walk!
Patrick looking at the flowers!!Penny having a good old sniff!
Penny Getting excited she loves water!!
A wet dog and a waggy tail!!

Heading off home!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover