Monday, 31 December 2018

Happy new year.....

camping out next to her rabbit...thunder sparkle pants ..yes you heard that ...she comes up with some amazing names... she refused to sleep!!!!!

this little button went to sleep cuddling a full bottle of milk that she never drinks....i hope our world leaders wake up to the mess that we are in globally and think  about our children...who have to sort out the awful mess that our generation has caused I go back to the past...more ofton than i ever did...l think its a part of growing old.It makes me think how much this world has changed and what its going to be like for these little girls..yet i listen to my daughter and her friends in amazement at their debates about whats wrong with this world...I'm astounded at their take on things ...lets hope their generation can fix things ......x

Me my cats my dogs my girls and a rabbit x

Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover