Thursday 10 April 2014

Theives , hope and faith ..............

 Well what an awful few days Ive had! My bag was stolen yesterday and now I'm minus my beloved camera!!!
 Hence pictures of fish dinners ha ha!!
 and my mug!!!

 All i have left is my i pad which takes rather poor pictures so i thought!!!
 This is fat Eric my sisters dog who shared my bed last weekend and snored louder than my hubby!!Hes looking rather cross as i was about to evict him!
 Someone  very kindly  walked into my house and took my bag !!
 Ive lost everything of importance to me  my phone my camera  all my cards and personal stuff.....and my savings  that id just withdrawn from the bank!
 reminder to me don't carry your life around in a bag!!
 The light of my life Holly  x

 Its been such a lovely day today  almost summer......then it rained............
 found this little critter hiding under the window............
 got to  love him ..............even though he left my front door wide open last night!!!!!!
 never mind life goes on and Ive spent the day cancelling cards and at the police station!!!
 i took this tonight while i was searching hoping that whoever stole my belongings may have dumped my bag with something left inside ...........beautiful sunlight!!it gave me hope!!!
 I still have my beautiful family wonderful friends and most of all my faith................
My amazing children and who ever it is who took my stuff ....probably sold it for a pittance for drugs!!!I'm so blessed and so lucky and this wont stop me from seeing the best in people and loving the things and people around me.......I'm so blessed and so lucky amidst all my troubles and tribulations i have my faith that keeps me going.........................and Sean son dont worry ...i know you didnt think xxx

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover