Monday 8 September 2014

For Elizabeth x

These are especially for  my cousin Liz my  sisters  Jackie  and Joanne and Liz's daughter Vicky
 Damaged and faded but still amazing.................
 it was a summers day and i took them to Newcastle's exhibition park!!!

 These negatives have laid in a box for 30 plus years !

 My dear aunt Balance and Uncle Tommy with my first husband and grandmother.....
 and my father .how wonderful to gaze at these faces  again after so long!!!
 my mum my aunt and a family friend  with me in my front garden..every face has their own story.Every person here and gone have lived their own life had their own tragedies and joys .A second captured forever i remember it being an awesome day full of family and friends a wedding and an engagement! The memories seem to merge into one  ! Just happiness and a sense of  family and belonging
The dated clothes! i look at each face and remember the joy of knowing each one two aunties left such a mark on my life and i miss them .such a long time has passed and I'm now as old as they are in these pictures i feel so blessed , Ive had such an amazing family past and present!!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover