Sunday 7 September 2014

well i never!

my son bought a negative scanner! i couldn't believe what it did!!well i never!!!i muttered to myself!!
 i own thousands i kid you not of negatives stretching back to the 70s...these are a tiny few  !!
 a window to the past....a second captured!!friends posing in a makeshift studio.....outings
 fun sunny sunny days when i didn't have a care in the world...............
 siblings and children, family and aunts .................
 memory's filtering through with a clarity so sharp!!!
 Ive always been totally obsessed with photography ,cameras and anything to do with the past!
 as i looked on as Thomas  flicked through the dull black pieces of film.........
 my past came to life as the images sprung up one after the other!
 laughter, sadness  sometimes real black grief that  will always haunt me.............
 but mostly wonder at where the time has gone too
 like a blink of my eye the click of a camera as the shutter  captures a second frozen in time..............
so these are for my family ..............all the time you lot have moaned over the years about my camera  constantly in your faces all that time Ive been making memory's just for you !!enjoy xxx


Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover