Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Sean x

i didn't realise your eyes changed colour!! I knew you had my dad eyes...blue like the ocean....a constant reminder of him in my life. When i saw how sad you looked today i took two  photos Your eyes change ...just like  your moods, your highs, your lows,.....My wonderful son who plods on ......bravely! How i love you son and your dad will love you too....watching every twist and turn in your life willing you on.....watching you grow and making the effort to change things ...he will be proud of you where ever he is ......heaven or what ever you want to call it!!!    my dads  eyes look out at me but its your dads  face that speaks to me
every day ...its your dads sense of humour that makes me cry with laughter every day!Your dads kindness and compassion that i feel when you cuddle me and make me tea!!and bacon sandwiches on our secret midnight feasts watching TV after midnight!......love you son and never give up! xxx

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover