Wednesday, 25 April 2012


an old scrapbook!!

sean with curls!!
beautiful Noah

I think I'm addicted to blogging!!I'm not surprised!! Ive recorded so many event in my life through visual diary's ,scrapbooks and photos. My dear friend Irene Reddish who is a talented photographer and artist  started me on my path to documenting my life. In the 80s many moons ago!!.I worked at an art centre  running a children's art  workshop and i ran the local photography club back in the days when there was no digital and everything was  done in the darkroom....happy days.!I have hundreds of negatives and photos which become so important  as life starts to pass by, memory's of baby's , children growing up, dear family that are no longer here.But its also a burden, storing and keeping album after album Making sure negatives are  OK!. So blogging  has become my  new creative way of keeping a record of events and every day life!Boring as it may be to others I'm addicted!!!
hubby and brother!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover