Friday 6 April 2012


Why does my house continuously  look like a pig sty Its not that i don't clean , dust, tidy all of the time!! I always declutter on a regular basis!My family aren't the tidiest bunch and that includes Kelsey my  second daughter. My little lodger  Rosa's best friend!

Ive come to the conclusion i have a small house and too many possessions  that i cant get rid of. My collection of vintage china, my precious things Ive had for years add that to an enormous amount of art and crafting  supplies! What does  a woman do! My vintage camera collection  and Victorian albums, Edwardian albums rubbish to others  but so important to me. Id love a super sheik house with not a thing out of place but I've never ever achieved that! People say i have a cosy lived in house that they feel comfortable in .....are they being polite and really mean a cluttered messy hovel heehee!!Never mind I'm off to clean, Sean's offered to do my mountain of ironing my worst job!! He  love doing it....Rosa will go up into her room and pretend to tidy for the next hour!! Hubby's out getting  picnic food for  our exciting trip out tomorrow!!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover