Monday, 2 April 2012


Four  year ago we lost our beautiful lurcher Toffee. We were devastated! We decided not to  replace him and true  to my word we didn't get another dog. We had rabbits  liquorice and Bean a Guinea pig Noah all very much loved. Various birds but not a dog............That is till my sister phoned me one day to tell me she had  a little dog she was looking after.Her owner an elderly lady couldn't manage her. She had spent most of her  six month of life inside the house. I was adamant  that i wasn't going to have another dog!! I refused to visit Jackie  i didn't want to see her!! My sis was looking after her for two weeks, one day she sent a picture to my phone. There she was , a beautiful  fluffy West Highland White  terrier.....We were in love !! We bought our little dog who was named Penny. Two year on  she has grown into a beautiful dog. Nothing like  Toffee or my greyhounds i owned over the last  thirty year, shes a typical terrier so I'm told. Into everything, strong willed, cheeky  and loving!! I never thought i could replace my  beautiful brindle boy but  Penny has filled an enormous gap ,we love her , for all her faults ....she has many! She hates the postman, the next door neighbour , most men ,motorbikes ,most other dogs ,the curtains, yes the curtains!!  the letterbox  and beards! But we love her!!

Thats toffee above .......and  Penny who at this moment is growling like crazy  as Sean as he  trys to sit on the sofa!!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover