Saturday, 28 April 2012

A magnificent obbsession

I'm the first to hold my hands up and admit it! I cant deny it ,my family wouldn't allow me to,especially my two sisters. I'm obsessed with the past! The way ordinary people like me lived their ordinary lives day by day,In fact if i was honest i have a bit of a  an obsessive personality. It really started back in the 80s when i became  obsessed with photography.I was very lucky to be taught by an amazing lady who Ive all ready mentioned Irene Reddish who is a book illustrator an artist  teacher, performer the list is endless! If fact ill let you into a little secret....i adorned a few of Reddishs book covers heehee and so did my eldest son !!no more of that though!!........About that time i started to collect vintage cameras and albums ,photos anything to do with the past.Ill not mention my vintage clothes and hat collection that i gave away to my friend Jackie who was in a band ....i so regret that i know my daughter would have loved it now  but i didn't have room for it when i moved house and  shared it between Jackie and Reddish who also performed at the time! I collect vintage images still and have a huge amount stored on my PC. For some reason I'm  drawn to the seaside i so miss my trips to the beach, we have wonderful beaches on our doorstep in Tyneside and when i moved to Teeside 16 year ago that's one of the things i missed the most. Check these beautiful pictures out

These are from an amazing site of unbelievable images of life in the past,Ive followed this blog for a long time and i am constantly amazed at the stunning pictures a real glimpse into our past go have a look and be wowed!!!

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Book cover

In Bab, studio with Irene Reddish  taking photos for a book cover